Nice to meet you

My mother knew I was going to be a writer in grade two. I was asked to write a sentence using a specific word, like “tree” or “house” and provided one line for each sentence. One line, apparently, would not do. My first sentence ran off the line, down the margin, along the bottom of the page, and over onto the next page. A story, after all, is as long as a story needs to be.

I don't know that there was one definitive moment, event, or experience that led me to conclude my life would be shaped by words. But if you look closely at my genetic code under a microscope I'm sure you would find these letters etched into my DNA: W*R*I*T*E*R. Writing has always been central to what I do and how I see myself.

As a communications professional, I worked with words to shape messages for clients, wonderful people doing important work that matters. But it was their work, and ultimately their words. What you will read here are my words. Words that came from my imagination, my need to speak, perhaps even my DNA.

What I've learned about writing is that while inspiration and ideas may be the spark, it is writing, rewriting, editing, hair pulling, and going back to the first page, again, that transforms ideas and inspiration into something that resonates with readers. And within yourself.

I hope the words you find here will speak to you.

donalee Moulton

Learn more about me by reading this interview, conducted by Crime Writers of Canada Associate Bob Harris.